Saturday, August 2, 2008

World Destruction 04: The Mysterious Tree of Ghostly Apparition and Evil Omens

Watch this show for the laughs. That's all it's good for. That and the excellent music, but not the art. It's going downhill.

Episode 04: Two Types of Humans
More Screencaps from World Destruction 04

The trio finally arrive at Springland, where Morte and Kirie are forced to wear fake ears in order to blend in with the crowd. Morte isn't very happy with her bunny ears but lets Kirie convince her that it's all for their safety and the good of mankind in general. As they walk around town, they hear a legend of cherryblossom trees that suck the blood of beastmen. For this reason, all the cherryblossom trees in the city, save for one, have been ordered cut by the town head frog. This tree, it turns out, is cursed.
me neither

The trio discover where this tree is located. Kirie goofs around with Toppi but ends up falling from the tree, breaking a branch in the process. A beastman, who passes by at that moment, witnesses the incident and runs away scared shitless. Later, while walking around town, Kirie and Toppi then happen upon Agan, the transporter. It is Agan who tells them about the curse.

Meanwhile, Naja and Ri-a decide to stop by Springland, unaware that the persons they are chasing are there.

Kirie sadly relates to Morte how he and Toppi are cursed because of the branch from the cherryblossom tree. Jade, a young villager whom Morte has befriended earlier, tells them not to worry as he was the one who made up the entire story to prevent the beastmen from cutting down the tree. It appears that during the war between beastmen and humans, he was separated from his lover. But before that, they made a promise to meet each other again someday under that cherryblossom tree. Till this day, Jade is still waiting for his lover, with no success.

Meanwhile, Agan meets up with the World Salvation Committee. Naja offers him money for information about the World Destruction Committee and Agan, always the businessman, accepts.
and morte issues a curse

Hearing this, Kirie is relieved that the curse is not true while Toppi pretends that he knew the curse wasn't real all along. However, they have a new problem. Kirie thinks that if nothing bad happens to him and Toppi, the beastmen are going to stop believing in the curse and continue to cut down the tree. So he and Toppi decide to make a play of sorts, which involves Toppi getting pooped on by a bird and screaming about his bad luck, getting hit on the head with a vase, and then drowning in the river. Morte doesn't join in their antics, leaving the two to themselves.
i wouldn't bet on it

The next day, Kirie and Toppi prepare to play by their script to the letter. Toppi stations himself in front of the house of the town head frog while beastmen stare at him with a mixture of fear and fascination. Kirie is hidden on top of a tree, holding a live chicken over Toppi's head. Obviously, he intends to use real "props" for their little show.

Unfortunately for both of them, the World Salvation Committee arrives in Springland at that moment. The chicken poops on Ri-a as she passes under the tree. The incident enrages her so much, she immediately transform into her beastform and proceeds to uproot the tree with Kirie (and the chicken) still on it.
what was that about realism? this girl sure has a short fuse

Kirie passes out when Ri-a throws the tree at Toppi. She misses and Toppi drags the unconscious Kirie with him as he tries to make a run for it. Ri-a ends up chasing the two of them all over the town square. The commotion catches the attention of the town head frog.
too close for comfort

Meanwhile, Morte checks out an abandoned house in the forest and sees an old picture of a young man and young woman there. Both of them are wearing matching silver bracelets, the same kind that she saw Jade was wearing. Next, she notices a bracelet on the floor and as she bends to pick it up, she sees the dried up corpse of a person.
the script must prevail!!

Back in the town square, Kirie has finally regained his consciousness but he and Toppi are still being chased around by an enraged Ri-a. Kirie wants to know why Toppi is just running and not fighting, to which Toppi only answers that they have to follow the script and make the beastmen believe that everything that's been happening is all part of the Grand Curse of the Doomed Cherryblossom Tree.
and he says it with such cheer

Toppi then has a bright idea of escaping by boat and floating down the river where they would pretend to drown. He pulls out the drain stopper and instantly, their boat starts to fill out with water.
a sudden contingency forces Toppi and Kirie to improvise

Unfortunately, Naja manages to find a speedboat and chases them with it. So now Kirie and Toppi have to speed up in order not to get caught and at the same time, keep their boat from sinking before they can make a clean break.
prepare to get ripped apart

Several beastmen, including the head frog, watch the spectacle from a bridge. What the head frog does not notice is the branch from the cherryblossom tree that Toppi dropped earlier. He accidentally steps on this branch and all of a sudden, the bridge he is standing on starts to crumble down.
"hi, i'm the token bishie for this episode"

Toppi and Kirie just barely makes it through the bridge before it completely collapses, blocking Naja and Ri-a's path. Some distance away from the main site of the incident, Jade helps Kirie and Toppi out of the water.
the bracelet of eternal love and sadness

Later, Morte tells Kirie and Toppi about what she has found out. It seems that the war between beastmen and humans occurred some 90 years ago, which means that Jade is not what he appears to be. The body that Morte found in that house was Jade. He died before he could ever meet his lover.

The next day, as they are leaving Springland, the trio encounter an old woman on the road. Morte notices that she is wearing a silver bracelet that matches the one that Jade wore.

Funny episode. There's nothing to it, of course. Generic stuff about waiting for a loved one after years of separation. Isn't this the story in the music video for Sakurairo Maukoro by Nakashima Mika?

But I had a lot of laughs. Production value is still low, lower even than the last episode. But the action scenes were okay and hella hilarious. Naja and Ri-a for all their villainous posturing are quite incompetent as they yet again let the World Destruction Committee escape right through their hands.

The thing about curses and chicken poop. lolz! Ah, slice of life.