Denno Coil Episode 23: The Granted Wish
"According to the Nulls, by eating the seed of pain, they became creatures whose goal is pain itself."
The entire space in the city of Daikoku is being reformatted by Megamass and the residents are being asked to refrain from using their denno glasses while the reformatting is going on. But Yasako and Isako, who are trying to find a cure for Densuke and hence wearing their denno glasses, are being chased by 2.0 (otherwise known as the Tetris of Doom).

Finally, Daichi comes to a dead end with a wire fence separating him from the next street. But fortunately, Isako appears on the other side of the fence and asks him for the capsule containing Densuke. Yasako arrives in time to throw an encode at one of the 2.0 that followed Daichi. Tamako in her motorcycle also arrives, asking if they're all okay.

While Tamako takes Daichi and Kyoko to Mega-baa's, Yasako and Isako continue searching for the path that would lead them to Obsolete Space, which they've been told is where they can find the device that will cure Densuke of the virus.

Back at Mega-baa's store, Tamako relates how Imago was accidentally discovered. Apparently, the Coil engineers found out there was a particular pattern in the circuit that acted like an antenna, transmitting even the weakest electromagnetic data at highspeed. It was through this discovery that denno glasses and many of Daikoku's information infrastructure were created. But more than that, the engineers also discovered that the pattern can also transmit and manipulate human consciousness. They called it "Imago" and with it they created cybercures. The cybercures are said to be still existing but are hidden somewhere.

Meanwhile, Isako finds herself in front of a shrine and she gets a flashback of a girl and a boy (presumably her brother and her) sitting at the steps to a shrine. We hear a girl's voice telling someone that she wants to be with her brother forever. But her reminiscing is interrupted because she gets a call from Nekome just then.

Yasako arrives later and Isako tells her that she has found the path. The two of them head to their new school building, which also happens to be a Megamass building. After lying to the guard that they left their bags in their classroom, they make their way up through the elevator.

Isako explains that she might be heading for a trap, but since she has to find a cure for Densuke, she has no choice. She intentionally did not let Yasako tag along because she doesn't want to put anyone else in danger. She adds that she might have been the person responsible for what happened to Haraken and Ishiwara Kanna.

"There's a distance between people. A large distance. Between my brother and I as well. But if I search patiently, slowly, I may be able to find a path that shortens this distance. That path is extremely narrow, so if I take my eyes off it for a second, I'll lose it forever. So, I have to keep my eyes fixed on it and search. If I lose my faith in the existence of this path, it may disappear for real. That's why I have to keep believing that this path exists."

Nekome wants to prove that the Other Side exists and because of that he has made a pact with Michiko-san and uses Isako, using her brother Nobuhiko as bait, since he needs her Imago ability. He also tells Isako that Nobuhiko is already dead but his spirit is still alive in the other side. That is so because a long time ago Isako also made a wish to Michiko-san to let her live with her brother forever. Michiko-san granted that wish and now Nobuhiko's spirit is trapped in the Other Side.

Meanwhile, Yasako finds the path to Obsolete Space and sees Densuke's unconscious body. Back with Isako, she has now turned the encodes upon herself with the purpose of overloading the encode reactor in her body. She then warns Nekome that if he does not close the passage now, she's going to destroy it. Nekome tells her that if she does that, she will also dies.

The next moment, Nulls are grabbing Yasako. Densuke valiantly defends her but in the end the Nulls overpower him. Yasako screams and at that moment, 2.0 arrives and starts reformatting the space, zapping the Nulls in the process. Tamako then arrives and drags Yasako away to safety. She then places a black metatag to stop the shifting.
As soon as Yasako gains consciousness, she runs back to the room to look for Isako. But all that's left is Isako's body, stating "NO DATA." Isako's cyberbody has gone to the other side.

OMG! What an episode! And I mean, what an episode! I thought Episode 20 was terribly exciting, but this one so far PWNS all!
Now I think I understand better the concept of Imago. A lot of the characters' motives are also explained here, especially Nekome's who struck me as an ambiguous character in the previous episodes. So it really turns out that he's one of those "obsessed-with-science-theories" characters.
But it was Isako that really surprised me. She makes a really striking exposition about people here, and it's a quotable alright. I still can't believe it was her who made the wish with Michiko-san in the first place about her brother. But it seems so and that actually explains everything about her. It also shows us how vulnerable this glasses kids really are if it's true that Imago can be used to manipulate human consciousness. Look at what happened to Isako.
In the end, Isako might be saying the truth when she told Yasako to only believe in things she could touch with her hands.
But crap, I didn't want Isako to die. Waaahhh!
I can't wait for the next episode!
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