Friday, December 7, 2007

First Post

Hello! Ohmigosh, first post! I should write something interesting, but all I can think about right now is that I've got a lot of migrating to do. Anyhoo, Animeshoon is an off-shoot of my original blog, From the Mind of a Twit. I decided to make this new blog where I can focus entirely on anime and manga, featuring reviews, episode recaps, screencaps and what-nots.

Anime used to be only a category in my old blog but since I could only update that particular category like once a week, I figured that really is not enough time to blog about anime, which pretty much occupies my top list of things to do when bored. So came Animeshoon.

The blog title comes from the word "animation." At first, I wanted it to be "animeshon" with a single "o" but since that name is already taken, I decided to go with Animeshoon instead. This blog contains mostly reviews of animes I've watched but once I finish the migrating process, I should be able to keep up to date with the animes I'm currently watching.

I'll be featuring episode recaps, screencaps and first impressions of currently airing animes. I'll also be doing reviews of OAVs, OVAs, and anime feature films. Older series will also be touched since there are a lot more interesting anime series that I haven't watched yet.

On a side note, I might also offer music downloads, mostly of anime osts or op/ed themes, as well as manga samplers. I will probably do anime site reviews, too.

That's all. Looking forward to providing you with all the anime stuff you need. XD
Peace out.