More Allison & Lillia 03 Screencaps
- In their Royal Guard get-up, Allison and Wil make it to the enemy base camp without any hitch.
- Meanwhile, the old man is being held in the basement inside the castle. The officers of Sou Biel interrogate him about the location of the treasure but so far the old man has not given them anything useful.
- An officer, the pilot that shot down Allison's plane in the second episode, is instructed to stay away from the interrogation room. Apparently, this pilot, Ker, believed that he was capturing an enemy spy.
- Outside the castle, Allison does the smart thing by allowing a mere private to escort them around the camp, instead of a much older, higher-ranked officer who might see through their disguise.
- Wil deduces that the old man must be kept inside the castle. They waste no time in getting there.
- Ker spots Allison and seems to recognize her, but dismisses the notion.
- Inside, Allison and Wil help the old man escape from his cell by giving him a pin. However, on their way to the meeting place, the two of them are stopped by Ker, who finally recognizes Allison. Allison likewise recognize Ker as the "Second Lieutenant Love Letter." It turns out that Ker was the officer that Allison met during the joint training camp between Sou Biel and Roxche.
- The private and the cell guard arrive with the blankets, which Allison asked them to get for the old man. But they are surprised to find that neither Allison nor Wil is anywhere to be found.
- By this time, the old man had managed to open his cell. Pushing the cell door open, he overcomes the two soldiers and escapes.
- Meanwhile, Allison and Wil are explaining to Ker about the treasure that could end the war between their countries. However, the alarm sounds and the whole camp goes on alert.
- While Ker goes out to investigate, Allison and Wil take this chance to escape to the sewers, where they meet up with the old man.
- They make it out of the sewer and proceed for the hangar. However, enemy soldiers are fast on their trail.
- The plane could only hold two people at the same time. Without any other choice, the old man gives Allison and Wil a verbal map of where the treasure can be found and promises to meet them there afterwards.
- But the old man is lying as he knows he has no chance of escape. To give Allison and Wil more time to clear the hangar, he blows up a tank of fuel but also takes a bullet from a soldier just as the tank blows up.
- Ker finds the old man among the ruins and witnesses his death. His superior officers order him to chase after the enemy and shoot them down. But after Ker leaves to follow his orders, the superior officer instructs another officer to kill Ker the moment he deviates from his order.
- Meanwhile, Allison and Wil watch the hangar being engulfed by fire and smoke and realize that the old man is dead. Allison gives a salute before flying away from the area.

This was an exciting episode. It had almost everything: from breaking somebody out of prison, being chased after and shot at by enemy soldiers in an enemy base camp, stealing a plane ("borrowing" according to Allison), to violent explosions and flying off to the skies.
I am really liking both Allison and Wil's characters. I think that, of all the animes this season, they are the two most likable characters.
The old man's death saddened me a little. But now, I am really curious what this treasure business is about. It seems everybody is after it.
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