Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ultraviolet: Code 044 Brief First Impression

Well, I just saw the first episode subbed by RMN (sorry, I forgot what the letters stand for. first time i ever heard of this group), and I have to say that the art turned me off completely.

This anime is by Madhouse so I was expecting something better than what episode 01 of Ultraviolet: Code 044 has shown. I don't know, but it seems to me like this anime is trying too hard to be edgy and sexy but the attempt is too obvious, it's not working.

The music, I suppose, is tolerable. The OP and ED themes are performed by this artist called BECCA and the songs -- both -- are written by Meredith Brooks et al. so the lyrics are English. Catchy, yes, and they'll probably hold up in the market because of the general appeal of songs with lyrics most people can understand. But they don't do much for me.

IMHO, Ultraviolet: Code 044, at least on first impression, PHAILs.