More Screencaps from Ryouko's Case Files 05
A couple of delivery boys get into a traffic accident in the middle of transporting a sooper seekrit robot. The impact due to the accident causes the machine to activate on its own.
Meanwhile, Izumida finds himself in a tight-spot between his ten-year old cousin and his overbearing boss, who apparently has taken it upon herself to get involved in his private affairs. Ryouko makes up the flimsy excuse that she just happened to pass by the place and upon seeing Izumida with a minor, decided to stop over in order to see to it that nothing inappropriate happens. The minor in question, Mana-chan, has gotten into a fight with some friends over a bunch of photos. But when asked about the photos, she refuses to answer, thus, activating Ryouko's sonar radar.

It's obvious the two consider themselves as rivals for Izumida's attention, with Mana-chan having a typical schoolgirl crush over an older man and Ryouko with her overblown sense of self, believing that everything Izumida does should revolve around her. Mana-chan is not, however, intimidated by Ryouko's superiority complex and even calls her an old woman, which does not please Ryouko at all.

For his part, Izumida vainly defends his superintendent's lordly tendencies by saying that she is a career person. Mana-chan then promptly wonders if the career people are the same as those who do nothing but order people around and act out their egocentricities. Ryouko is PWNed. In fairness, Izumida believes that the career people play an important role in the advancement of Japan. Oh yeah, only a certified slave-subordinate can say that.
Meanwhile, in a warehouse somewhere at Omotesando Boulevard in Aoyama district, the robot has fully activated and starts attacking the delivery boys and the security guys. While walking near the area, Ryouko hears the shooting and goes to investigate, forcing Izumida to abandon Mana so he can provide her some back-up.

What Izumida and Ryouko discover in the warehouse is terrible: blood and corpses. Ryouko immediately deduces that the weapon used is a knife and the shooting she heard earlier belonged to the guns used by the deceased. From their uniforms, she concludes that these people were members of the Japan Private Police, the rival firm of her father's JACES company.

Later, the culprit-robot appears. Ryouko and Izumida back up towards the elevator, with Ryouko reaching for her gun just in case. At the sight of the gun, the robot goes berserk again and tries to attack. But Izumida jumps Ryouko in time before she can get hit by the robot's TALONS OF DEATH DEATH DEATH. Just as the elevator door closes in on the robot, they hear Mana-chan's voice, calling for Izumida. Oh noes!

In the upper level of the building, Ryouko and Izumida encounter some more members of the Private Police. Izumida tries to get them to help Mana-chan but when he reaches for his ID to identify himself as a police investigator, the Private Police start shooting.
Meanwhile, Mana-chan comes face to face with the killer robot.

Izumida and Ryouko end up bound to a chair with the Private Police Captain refusing to listen to Izumida's explanation. In the basement, the robot has captured Mana-chan. The Private Police try to shoot their way in but to no avail. The robot makes short work of slicing and dicing them up.
The rest of the Private Police go down to the basement as well to rescue their members, leaving Izumida and Ryouko with only one trooper guarding them. Ryouko pretends to be molested by Izumida and starts screaming hysterically. Alarmed by the noise, the trooper goes in to investigate only to be assaulted by Izumida who is standing by the door, waiting. He and Ryouko then make their escape.

Ryouko explains that the robot is an anti-terrorist autonomous machine used by the Private Police to guard its nuclear plant. The accident has caused it to malfunction, but its basic programming still enables it to distinguish between terrorists and civilians. After the attack at the elevator, Ryouko figured out that the robot identifies people holding weapons as "terrorists" and goes after them. Also, being primarily a security robot, it also has a program that makes it transport employees to a safe place. This is how they find Mana-chan.

Through sheer power of deduction, Ryouko figures that, as its basic programming is based on visual identification, the one way to deactivate the robot is by putting out its eye. Later, when the police arrive, Izumida and Mana-chan watch as the machine is hauled away. Ryouko then arrives with a smirk on her face, which Izumida suspects means another one of her schemes just paid off. Ryouko gets Izumida out of the way by telling him that the inspectors want to speak with him, then she turns to Mana-chan to ask her about the photos. Mana-chan reluctantly gives her a picture of a smiling Izumida, asking her to keep it in return for her saving Mana-chan's life. Ryouko regally accepts the gift.
Much later, Izumida and Ryouko watch as Mana-chan goes home by herself in a taxi. After she is gone, Ryouko then orders Izumida to walk her home. Izumida wonders if they are going to watch that sucky mystery TV show she loves so much again. Ryouko only answers that he has to give her a massage, too.
In the taxi, Mana-chan reaches for her wallet and takes out about half a dozen more photos of Izumida in different poses.

Okay, no supernatural aspect in this episode. Just a normal robot malfunctioning and going berserk and killing more than a dozen people, nothing that science can't explain. What is obvious in this episode is again the strange dynamic in Izumida and Ryouko's working relationship. Even if these two don't end up together, I still like them for their entertaining interaction with each other. Again, nothing much to see in this episode. No major plot point is revealed. Just another monster gone wild.
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