Monday, August 25, 2008

Ryouko's Case Files 06: Two Maids and Subway Horror

IN THIS EPISODE: Ryouko's maids arrive from France and all of a sudden, everybody starts speaking bad French. Then, ghostly happenings in the subway has Ryouko's entire department wetting their pants. Naked Ryouko!!! ♥
Episode 06: Maids in Kasumigaseki
More Screencaps from Ryouko's Case Files 06

Izumida and Ryouko are at the Narita Airport to meet Lucienne and Marianne, Ryouko's maids who just arrive from France. But, as is typical with most of Ryouko's staff, the two are not what they appear to be. Lucienne is a weapons expert while Marianne is an expert hacker.

Later, the four of them catch the train to god-knows-where. Izumida stays well away from the girls on the excuse that he doesn't speak French. After a while, Ryouko approaches him and their conversation switch over to government corruption. Ryouko then says that it's happening right under people's noses but everyone just sits and complains about it without doing anything.

At that moment, their train makes an emergency stop. Ryouko and Izumida go out to investigate and finds a severed hand, still holding on to a gun. Further away, they see a large shadowy figure slipping away.
the walls have ears

Much later, Izumida finds himself dragged to a Japanese restaurant where Ryouko is waiting for him, dressed in a Japanese kimono. They are joined later by Lucienne and Marianne, also dressed in kimono. Raucous laughter from the next room catch their attention and Ryouko and Izumida secretly eavesdrop on the conversation of these people. It turns out that they are government bureaucrats who are known to hold outrageous dinners for important state officials and businessmen.

After dinner, Ryouko forces Izumida to accompany her while Lucienne and Marianne are off, secretly investigating the two government bureaucrats. Izumida has no idea about this, however.
i dub this the "ryouko's dog" izumida face

The next morning, Izumida's co-workers are in an uproar over last night's "ghost-haunting" incident. Later that day, Ryouko meets up with Yukiko for apparently no reason but just to taunt her. While their bosses argue and exchange insults with each other, Izumida and Akira discuss the many mysterious events occurring in the subway and in many government buildings. Akira is of the theory that these things only really occur with career workers. Izumida immediately apologizes for being a "non-career" worker. Unknown to the two of them, Ryouko has been listening in to their conversation. Yukiko is naturally alarmed.
ok, semi-naked.

In Ryouko's office, Ryouko and Izumida refers to a map of Tokyo to get a visual idea of affected places. Ryouko notes that all the affected government buildings are located just above the Kasumigaseki Line and deduces that the answer must lie in the subway.

Meanwhile, Lucienne and Marianne are still off doing spy stuff. They manage to infiltrate a high-class restaurant where they disguise themselves as serving maids and placed a bug in the room. The transmitter is directly connected with Ryouko's radio.

While Ryouko relaxes in a massage parlor, she listens in on the government bureaucrats' conversation. From them, she finds out that they know something about the subway incident and are hiring people to keep the matter from the public.
underground casino like woah

That same evening, Ryouko, Izumida, Lucienne and Marianne decide to investigate the subway. Before leaving, Izumida is warned by Nonagase about Ryouko's uncanny ability to attract strange creatures. His warning proves to be prodigious as the group find themselves being chased around by a gigantic salamander. The creature has been trapped in the subway for years and is probably the cause of the ghostly happenings.

A group of thugs also arrive and start shooting at the salamander. While they are distracted by the creature, Ryouko's group takes this opportunity to escape to a safe area. Instead, they find themselves in an underground city, complete with casinos and restaurants.

The salamander follows them there and creates a huge racket around the area. The thugs who had been hired precisely to kill the salamander also arrive and again start shooting at the creature. Izumida suspects that the salamander is really after Ryouko and when he sees her actually cornered by the creature, his suspicions are confirmed. However, before he can go out to save her, one of the thugs point a gun to his head and orders him not to move.

Izumida later finds himself in the presence of the government bureaucrats he saw the night before. They want him to get rid of the creature for them as it is ruining their plan for the underground city. In exchange, they offer to promote Izumida from a non-career to a career position. Izumida refuses the offer just as Lucienne and Marianne arrive to rescue him.

Meanwhile, Ryouko is trying her damnest to get away from the rampaging creature. The bureacrats run out of the casino but end up trapped under a pile of rubble. Izumida then finds Ryouko, who orders Lucienne and Marianne to blow up the walls in order to let the water in. Just before the whole place gets flooded, the salamander looks at Ryouko and issues a sound as if to "thank" her.
The next day, Izumida is seen reading a copy of a book about a salamander that grew too big for its container and spent its days complaining and making excuses. Later, he and Ryouko are at a roadside cafe. Ryouko confronts him about his refusal to move from a non-career position to a career one and calls him stupid for refusing the offer. As punishment, she orders him to take her as well as the girls out to dinner.

Uhh...salamanders. I wonder if that "national treasure" bit that Ryouko said is true. Probably not. But was that supposed to be some kind of reference or a joke? Anyway, I don't get it.

An underground city. That's awesome. I wish I ruled over one. I would totally expand it by exacting outrageous taxes on people and then using the money to spread my powers to the entire world and rule the universe...waahahahah! Sorry, where was I?

Oh yeah, so a little something about Izumida. So, uh, is he supposed to be the salamander? The one that stays in its container but keeps on complaining? That is some metaphor. Seriously, I can't imagine anyone identifying themselves with a salamander. Probably because I hate slimy things. This episode didn't do for me.

The maids are awesome! Does that make me seem like I have a maid fetish? I don't though. Except, burly-armed, borderline perverted although well-meaning masked maid guys....lolz