Monday, January 12, 2009

Casshern Sins 14: And the Plot Thickens

Casshern angsts. Dio angsts. Leda schemes. Ohji yells. Ringo screams. Braiking Boss grins. Lyuze hates Casshern's guts but kind of has the hots for him, too. All in a day's work for Casshern Sins.
EPISODE 14: Truth Illuminates Darkness
More Screencaps from Casshern Sins 14

Braiking Boss' big revelation in the previous episode has thrown Casshern into new fits of angst. Ringo tries to console him to no avail. While Ringo chases after Casshern, Ohji does some chasing on his own.
A woman robot finds Ringo and urges her to join her friends, all of whom are on their way to where Luna is. Ohji discovers the pilgrims but has yet to find Ringo among them. Meanwhile, Dio discovers that Leda has sent his army to Luna's city in order to kill all the robots there.
Ringo is in danger but Casshern is too far into his angst to be of any immediate use. Braiking Boss taunts him further by reminding him more of the past. Thankfully, Lyuze arrives just then to warn Casshern about children's lives being in danger. At the mention of the word "children," Casshern remembers Ringo.
Back in the cave, Dio's army of robots has killed every single robot in the area. Ohji manages to save Ringo just in time. However, when the two of them attempt to escape, they find themselves surrounded by several Bobs. Then, Casshern arrives and he makes short work of everyone. Afterwards, Dio and Leda reveal themselves. Dio vs. Casshern Part 2 commences and both of them seem to be at even odds. But Dio says that even though he and Casshern were made at the same time with the same abilities, Casshern was always one step ahead of him.
Casshern tries to make a deal with Dio: if Dio promises never to kill another human or robot, Casshern would gladly die for him. But this is only adding insult to injury and Dio rejects the offer. Casshern receives some damage from the fight but Dio is worse off. Lyuze, who has been watching the battle from the sidelines, attempts to help Casshern only to get a knee from Leda. Then, Leda turns around and stops the fight between Dio and Casshern. Her intention is to save Dio from losing face in front of his army as his wound looks serious. Dio is obviously not amenable to this and he insists that he is not defeated yet. But Leda only tells Casshern about Lyuze's situation, prompting him to leave Dio high and dry.
Lyuze is not the worse for wear. Casshern helps her up while she says yet again that she has not forgiven him. But she also adds that if what Casshern has said is true about protecting the weak and stopping ruin, then she would not let him die yet. She and Casshern, with Friender, then continue on their journey, leaving Ohji and Ringo behind. Meanwhile, in a city not far away, the pilgrims finally come face to face with the one called Luna.

This episode was action-packed. It was good, as always, but I have not much to say about it. We don't really learn anything new this episode, apart from the fact that a "Luna" does exist. We just don't know if she is the real Luna.

I like that the pace is picking up. With the revelation of Braiking Boss, things are finally falling into place. I have a feeling that Casshern's days of angst are over and thank god for that. Now to see about this Luna person.

By the way, this episode has a new ED theme, called Hikari to Kage by Shinji Kuno. I like it better than the old one. I like the accompanying clip as well.