Friday, March 2, 2012

Chihaya Furu 21: All the weapons she needs

Exams are finally over and Chihaya is all roaring to play karuta. Her enthusiasm infects everyone, even Taichi who can now read the cards from memory without repeating a single one. Their coach is also pleased, what with Chihaya's passing all of her exams, and wishes her luck at the East Qualifier tournament, where...Chihaya plays against Ririka-chan, an up-and-coming child prodigy in karuta, whom everyone is calling "the next Wakamiya Shinobu." But Chihaya is now a more mature player, certainly a far-cry from her old self during her match against kawaii-baasan Sakura. First, taking cue from Harada-sensei's advice, she is no longer overly reliant on her speed. Second, combining Sakura's timing with Arata's flowing movements helps her control her movements for better accuracy. The result isn't particularly extraordinary but the improvement is obvious and, as Harada-sensei puts it, Chihaya now has other weapons to use in her eventual match against the Queen. So watch out, Shinobu!

more screencaps from episode 21:

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