More Ghost Hound 21 Screencaps

- Dr. Nakajima, Dr. Reika Otori, and their staff are working overtime, trying to undo the damage done by the blue-haired, pierced dude, who had been secretly overriding the biooid data to give them the characteristics of "living" organisms, such as the ability to reproduce.
- Masayuki is sent to Reika's room while all this is going. While in there, he remembers his first foray into the world of voyeurism. Later, however, he unconsciously projects and he sees what look like spirits of biooids in the dam water, rapidly multiplying.
- Taro, still in his astral form, hangs around outside the Ogami house. Miyako continues with her duties as the new "princess."
- Reika wakes Masayuki up and drives him home. On the way, Reika explains her role in Dr. Nakajima's life: apparently she respects him as a scientist but she is at the same time using him to gain information about the biooid project. When they arrive at the Nakajima house, Masayuki tries to put the moves on her and Reika, seemingly regretful for the damage she's caused to the family, gives him a kiss on the cheek.

- Professor Komagusu is finally awake from his coma. He gets a visit from Suzuki, who tells him about Miyako and the Ogami house. Professor Komagusu, however, seems reluctant to retrieve Miyako, which leads Suzuki to believe that Komagusu had been threatened by the "construction workers."
- Makoto meets Taro at his house and tells him about how Miyako is acting like someone possessed by his grandmother, Himeko. It seems Noriko is lording over the entire Ogami house, even refusing Makoto access to his room at first. In the end, she relents and lets him get his guitar and the picture of his parents and their two friends from their younger days.
- Taro's mom lets Makoto sleep in their house. Taro's dad also gives Makoto an electric guitar that once belonged to Hideo. He reveals that even though the Komori and the Ogami house do not get along well, he and Hideo had been good friends.

- In Kumada, Kei is sitting in front of the rubble that was once Kaibara's house when Makoto's Mom, Sanae, comes along. She says that if she had not come into Kaibara's life, he would have left this world earlier. This strikes a chord in Kei as accuses Sanae of being selfish.
- In the Kameiwa Shrine, Suzuki, Taro, Masayuki, Makoto and Michio are hanging out. Their conversation is interrupted by the arrival of pilgrims come to pay their respects. The gang talk about how the Ogami house is gaining more followers and that Miyako has predicted a "dragon god" would come.
- Dr. Hirata, accompanied by Reika, also arrive. Apparently, Hirata had Reika examine his brain. Reika asks after Masayuki and Michio, who is probably privy to what happened the night before, reacts. Taro does not get what it's all about, prompting Makoto to comment that Taro wouldn't understand since he is still a child. Taro then insists that he is the same age as them, cracking everyone up.
- The old guy from the mountains makes an appearance and Taro recognizes him immediately. The next moment, the Gang + 2 and the old guy talk about the strange things happening in Suiten. They say that it could not be all the plan of the Ogami house and the "construction workers" they hired.
- The old guy says that it is similar to the psychological concept of synchronicity: finding meaning or connection in a series of, in all likelihood, unrelated events. This echoes the idea behind the "implicate order" theory of Kaibara.
- The question is: what will happen when all this supernatural happenings occur together? Hirata answers: God is created.
- Taro makes a resolution to save Miyako. But the problem is how they're going to do that when only devout women or young girls are allowed into the house?
- The solution: dress Taro up as a girl. ^.^
In contrast to the previous episode, there's a lot more stuff going on here. For the first time, we also get a clue as to how this entire series is going to end. All this time, we've been trying to find a connection between all the events happening so far when there very well could be no connection at all.
So the question is: Do coincidences exist? Or are we all connected?
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