More Allison & Lillia 07 Screencaps
Allison and Benedict work on their plan to get Fiona, alias Princess Francesca of the Kingdom of Ikstova, to the country's capital by stealing two planes from the Sous-Biel air force. There follows yet another plane-stealing quick getaway orchestrated by Allison, with Wil unwillingly dragged along.
On the way to their destination, Fiona confesses to Benedict that she is, in fact, an impostor as the real Princess Francesca died in the fire that killed the entire royal family. For his part, Benedict confesses that he is, in fact, no hero because the ones who deserved all the credit for the finding of the mural are Allison and Wil. Then an unspeakably cheesy scene and even cheesier speech follows that made me want to wretch.
Meanwhile, the whole kingdom is waiting with baited breath for Nihito's speech, only to be interrupted by the arrival of our favorite cheesy couple. Benedict shamelessly announces his own arrival and then uses his hero status to get first dibs on the mic. Before Fiona could proclaim THE BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD, Nihito accuses her of being an impostor. Then follows a very intense moment of exchanging, err, intense stares.
I thought the first arc ended on a rather convenient note. I don't like convenient stories. It's usually a characteristic of lazy-writing. However, Allison and Wil are such likeable characters that I didn't really mind.
Enter the second arc of Allison & Lillia. It's focus is less on Allison and Wil but more on Benedict and Fiona. Compared to Allison and Wil, they seem less interesting. Benedict makes speeches so cheesy it's not even funny while Fiona is just plain annoying. I never could stomach useless characters and Fiona strikes me as one of those.
The other thing I take exception in from the second arc is the plot. Again, it's not as interesting as the plot in the first arc. The aftermath of the war is always less interesting than the war itself. So there's that.
Unfortunately, after seven episodes, Allison & Lillia has become one of those anime series where I keep waiting for that episode that would make me go "wow, I wanna watch this show" but where that moment never comes.
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