Huntly and Smudger sneak out of their homes in the middle of the night and go to the abandoned mine shaft. Apparently, Huntly has figured out a way to crack the code -- with the help of Columbus and the Mayans, of course (long story!).
Eventually, the clue leads them to a tunnel leading up to a door with the sign that says: "KEEP OUT." Of course, we all know that the phrase "keep out" really means "interesting stuff happening, come in!"

So Huntly and Smudger accept the invitation and find themselves in a room set as if in a party. The tables are literally HEAPED with chocolates and sweets. The Good For You Party is going to get diabetes when they see this room, I'm sure.
It turns out that Huntly and Smudger know the kid (Dave), whose father is running this underground chocolate shop. What's more, it seems they're not the only one who figured out the code either. A few people have found their way in this secret shop.

But just when they think everything is fine and great from then on, because...ha, CHOCOLATES! The Cacao group has arrived. What will happen next?

What to say really, other than that I'm still enjoying this show. I think it helps that each episode is only about five minutes short. With less time to overdevelop inconsequential stuff, the show can focus more on the key points that this show is trying to make: the eventual consequence of censorship and suppression.
That said, I think it's hilarious how the "underground chocolate group" have taken extreme steps to hide their horde from government. Heck, even the idea of an underground chocolate group is hilarious. I mean, it's even literally underground. Even the fact that the boys had to go through so much trouble just finding them is...extreme. Not bad. Just extreme.
So that's what it's like. The chocolates could very well stand for something else entirely.
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