More Screencaps from World Destruction 06
So the World Destruction Committee are now in Summerland, and as the name itself implies, it is unbelievably hot, but not in that way. Kyrie collapses from heat stroke and has to be brought to a charity hospital nearby, run by an Elephant doctor and a staff composed of humans and beastmen. Agan is proving to be a very useful character.

Morte isn't totally bought on the idea of humans and beastmen working together and even suspects that evil plans are afoot. As for Toppi and Kyrie, they waste no time in feeling right at home.

The children have taken quite a liking to Toppi. They even ask why his voice sounds so old when he looks so cute. You know, I've been wondering about that. Of course, Toppi isn't too pleased with the idea of little kids fondling him. Hmm. But eventually, he and Kyrie eventually soften towards the kids.

That night, Kyrie has another one of those funeral dreams with Morte in it. He wakes up to the sight of Morte standing over him, who comments that she noticed him dreaming. Kyrie tells him about his dream and as he does, the Destruct Code suddenly glows strangely. Morte gets the idea that the Destruct Code might be reacting to Kyrie.
At that moment, Elephant-sensei passes by the window. He says that he is on patrol duty and tells them to rest. Morte only looks like she suspects him even more and hurriedly hides the Destruct Code from view.

The next day, Kyrie flexes his culinary muscles and makes veggie sandwiches for everybody. Meanwhile, the World Salvation Committee arrive in Summerland. Apparently, Naja, after careful analysis, has figured out that their adversary's next destination is Summerland. Only problem is that his supposedly awesome deduction skills does not seem to extend to more practical means of getting to the place. As a result, he collapses from heat stroke, much like Kyrie did, and has to be saved by a duck man.

Naja and Ri-A eventually find their way to the charity hospital where they show one of Elephant-sensei's staffmembers, Rigareto, the wanted poster with Morte, Kyrie and Toppi's pictures in it. Just then, Elephant-sensei arrives and Naja appears to know him.
It turns out that Elephant-sensei was an important figure in the war between humans and beastmen, having gained the title "Desert Slayer." He burned many villages and killed a lot of humans. But now, he is supposedly repenting for his sins by setting up the charity hospital. He tells Naja and Ri-A that he is on a highly confidential mission and cannot deliver them the World Destruction Committee without causing some confusion and thus blowing his cover.

That evening, Morte wakes up to find that Kyrie, Toppi and even the children are not in their beds. She discovers them later in the kitchen, secretly making a birthday cake for Elephant-sensei. Kyrie asks her not to tell. While on her way back to her room, Morte hears some noise coming from Elephant-sensei's hut. She goes to check it out, only to discover Elephant-sensei on the floor, his arms and legs bound. Rigareto has poured kerosene over him and now holds a candle over his body.
It turns out that Rigareto has been searching for the Desert Slayer who murdered his family. That afternoon, he accidentally heard Elephant-sensei's conversation with the World Salvation Committee. His desire for revenge leads him to try to kill Elephant-sensei as payment for his many crimes.
Upon hearing his story, Morte does not attempt to stop him. She reveals that her little brother fought with the resistance (ridiculously called the "Golden Lions") against beastmen but died in battle. So she understands all too well Rigareto's feelings. Elephant-sensei does not try to defend himself. Instead, he warns Morte about the World Salvation Committee, saying that he made up a cover for them so they wouldn't come looking but that they have to leave.
Without their knowledge, Kyrie has been listening in on the exchange. Earlier, he went out searching for Morte in order to make sure that she keeps her mouth shut about the super secret birthday cake. The commition coming from Elephant-sensei's hut brought him to the place in time to hear about Morte's little brother and Rigareto's attempt to burn Elephant-sensei. He tries to stop Rigareto, wrestling with him for the candle, with little success. At that moment, Toppi and the children also arrive, carrying the birthday cake with lighted candles with them. However, upon seeing their Elephant-sensei on the floor, the children drop the cake in an attempt to protect him from Rigareto.

Rigareto appears to have second thoughts as the sight of the children reminds him of his own daughter. Finally, he puts out the light of his candle and breaks the wax in half. However, just when they think that everything is going to be fine, the kerosene jug rolls over to where the children dropped the cake earlier. The kerosene catches the light from the tiny candles and the whole thing blazes up. Immediately, Kyrie, Toppi and Morte grab each child and run for the door, leaving Elephant-sensei and Rigareto trapped in the inferno.
Later, everybody watches as the fire consumes the hut. But then seconds later, Elephant-sensei steps out of the rubble, with a badly burned Rigareto in his arms. After the fire dies down, Morte tells Kyrie and Toppi to stay in Summerland because it is much safer for them. Then, she goes off by herself.
Kyrie watches her for a while with Toppi asking why he is not chasing after her. Elephant-sensei then walks up to them and tells them to go with her, not because they want to destroy the world with her but that maybe someday she would change her mind, as he did. And with these words of wisdom, Kyrie and Toppi run after Morte. Once they catch up with her, however, Morte acts all tought and tells them not to follow her. But Kyrie and Toppi have already made their decision. The three head on towards the sunrise.

Well, there goes another adventure. This wasn't as hilarious as the previous ones. With each episode, I find less and less things about the series to blog about. There isn't really much to say about it than...what a convenient little story, neatly packed in one episode. Is there anything particularly brilliant about it? Nope. But this episode does show how the three are definitely becoming not just mere accidental travel companions but possibly friends.
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