Rikou is trying to get Sammy to admit that she has been to the Eve no Jikan Cafe, but the android denies having gone outside of the usual places. Naoko, who is listening to the conversation, mocks him for starting to converse with the android like it's human.
Rikou questions Sammy while Naoko listens in mild amusement
In his defense, Rikou says that his mother treats it like a human, too, dressing Sammy up like a doll. Naoko retorts that their parents' generation do not understand androids so their behavior is slightly more tolerable. However, those of Rikou's generation would be considered "android-holics" if they start treating the androids like humans.
In school, Rikou confides to Masaki that his android won't admit that she's been to the Eve no Jikan. Because of this, Rikou wonders if the irregularity he found in his mobile might have been an error. Masaki quickly reminds Rikou of the three laws of robotics:
- Do no harm to humans.
- Obey all commands, unless it comes into conflict with law #1.
- Protect yourself.
While talking with him, Rikou accidentally spills that he calls his android "Sammy." Masaki finds this thoroughly amusing as he teases Rikou of being an android-holic. Then Masaki adds that there's only one way for them to find confirm whether or not Sammy lied: they decide to visit the cafe again.
new people
At the Cafe, all the usual people are there with the addition of a little kid and her grandfather. Rikou and Masaki stay in the second floor where they can get a better view of people coming in and out of the cafe. Rikou expresses some apprehension about meeting Sammy but Masaki just laughs his worries away.
Just then, Rikou feels someone grab on to his legs. He freezes for a moment, then turns to find the girl, Chie-chan, looking up at him. Chie-chan insists on being a cat as her grandfather calls her from below, apologizing to the young men for her behavior.
unwilling spectators
Rikou catches sight of a piano. Masaki wonders if he plays but Rikou says that he's long since stopped. The two decide to sit at the piano. Unfortunately, the new seats give them an unwarranted view of a couple being lovey-dovey with each other, so off they move again. As they pass by the bar, Nagi-chan nags them about their order. Masaki asks for two cups of Evlend.
While waiting for their order, Rikou and Masaki end up sitting near a man who is quietly reading a book. Rikou is still bitching about his android's strange behavior. Masaki only reminds him that he does not have an android at home so he wouldn't know what an android's normal behavior is. Rikou finds it odd that Masaki's family does not keep an android.
Don't talk about robots and such in front of Nagi-chan
Akiko arrives just then and Rikou goes to speak with her. Akiko is her usual cheerful self and is, in fact, more than willing to tell Rikou anything. But she's trying to act restrained in front of Nagi-chan who, quite understandably, prohibits all talk about robots and humans.
Akiko notices Chie-chan and she starts getting friendly with her. However, Chie-chan's attention is diverted to Rikou, saying that there's something weird on his face. Without a moment's hesitation, Chie-chan reaches out and grabs Rikou's eyeglasses and runs away with it.
staring contest
While Rikou chases after Chie-chan to recover his glasses, Masaki finally takes notice of the guy beside him. The guy also seems to notice Masaki and he turns to him, saying that he does not like being stared at. Masaki apologizes. The man seems to accept this, going on to say something about the cafe that gets Masaki's suspicions going.
I don't have your glasses!
Meanwhile, Rikou, Akiko and the grandfather finally corner Chie-chan, who, however, reveals that she no longer has the glasses. Akiko assures Rikou that Chie-chan has the habit of taking people's things but eventually returns them. She says that Chie-chan once took her hat and hid it in her panties. Somehow, this does not assure Rikou one bit.
The guy that Masaki has been speaking with suddenly leaves the cafe. Masaki starts to follow him but finds that the door won't open. Nagi-chan tells him that she does this on purpose in order to protect her customers' privacy. Dejected, Masaki waits by the door for several minutes until the door opens once more. There is some minor scuffle with the couple who are also trying to get out, but Masaki gets to the door before they could and makes his exit.
getting friendly with a customer
Back at the cafe, Nagi-chan gets into conversation with a customer, who is purchasing a can of Evlend coffee. The new customer seems a bit apprehensive about the people at her house not liking the coffee so she only buys a few at a time. Nagi-chan suggests that the customer ask her family whether they like the coffee but the latter says that they don't like it when she acts independently.
still arguing
Meanwhile, Rikou is pressing Akiko about something, but Akiko refuses to tell him. She adds that she won't tell Nagi-chan that Rikou even asked about it. At this, Rikou inadvertently confirms that androids do keep secrets. The grandfather adds that the reason Chie-chan did not tell him where his glasses are is because she wants to play with him. He finally says that Chie-chan actually gave the glasses to someone: who else but Nagi-chan?
The customer at the counter is preparing to leave with her can of coffee just as Rikou comes for his glasses. Nagi-chan teases him about it for a while. As Rikou puts on his glasses, the customer sees his face for the first time. Rikou likewise gets the shock of his life when he sees her.
shock and revelation
another questioning
Rikou angrily bangs at the door, wondering why it won't open. Nagi-chan calls for him to sit down. Still angry, Rikou starts to say that Sammy is his android but before he could say the word, Nagi-chan tells him to shut his mouth. Then, she invites him for a cup of coffee as she explains a little more about Sammy.
She says that when she first met Sammy, the latter was so apprehensive. It is only now that she has begun to open up. Sammy talks a lot about her family: the mother who buys her clothes and the boy who stopped playing the piano. She adds that Sammy also worries about the coffee she bought and whether or not she is doing things right.
After some length, Nagi-chan tells Rikou that he is welcome at the Eve no Jikan so long as he follows the rules.
Once he gets home, Rikou calls Masaki and tells him that he intends to continue visiting the cafe. Masaki likewise tells him about the mysterious guy he met. He, too, wants to continue visiting the cafe but for slightly different reasons.
After the call, Rikou starts to say something about the cafe but he can't seem to find the words. Sammy apologizes, but Rikou interrupts her by asking for coffee. While Sammy goes to fix him a cup, Rikou finally manages to compliment her about the coffee. Sammy has her back on him so he does not see her smile.
Meanwhile, a white-haired lady, named Ashimori, is speaking with someone on the phone about the behavior of some androids, revealing their individuality. The person says that the rate is quite alarming and he wonders if it is the phenomenon that a prominent android scientist once predicted. But Ashimori only warns him about jumping to conclusions. Instead, she orders him to continue his investigation until they have more concrete proof.
How interesting. The introduction of the white-haired lady and the weird guy that Masaki meets at the cafe has me anticipating what their roles are in the story. The woman is most probably a scientist and the guy is probably her underling, sent out there to spy on the cafe. This could only mean one thing: the authorities are not unaware of the growing consciousness that androids are becoming sentient beings.
On the other hand, I'm also curious about Masaki. There was this very brief clip with him as a child, sitting alone in the dark. I wonder what happened to him and just exactly why his family does not have an android.
Rikou is really starting to open up...but he is in denial about the whole thing, afraid of being mocked for being android-holic.
Nagi-chan is probably human but her reasons for setting up the cafe is really unknown at the moment. I think between Chie-chan and her grandfather, the grandfather is the android. My clue? Chie-chan ate ice cream while we don't see the grandfather eat or drink anything at the cafe. As for the couple, I think they're both androids.
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