Tuesday, July 22, 2008

World Destruction 02: Tough Luck

Episode 02: Two Ways in the World
More Screencaps from World Destruction 02

After escaping with their lives from the World Rehabilitation Committee, Morte, Kirie (or is it "Kyrie" or "Kylie?") and Toppi (the adorable bear ^.^ although if I say that to his face, he'll probably smite me) find themselves stranded in the middle of the desert with no fuel or provisions. Morte is not in the least bit bothered, claiming that the Destruct Code would be able to tell them where they are. Delighted that they have something that works as a compass, Kirie wants to know if the Destruct Code also has a can-opening function. XD

A few minutes later, a group of beastmen on board a sand-submersible (lolz) stumbles upon them. After recognizing who they are, they fire a torpedo, destroying Toppi's sand-ship. Our three friends, however, manage to escape. But the resulting explosion catches the attention of a young man in green.
Morte at her brother's grave

Kirie sees a group of people marching in the distance. Upon closer look, he realizes it is actually a funeral procession. He recognizes Morte among the mourners as she places a green, glowing rose over the body of a young man. Kirie then wakes up from the dream to find himself on board a ship owned by that same young man in green, who introduces himself as Agan.

Their new friend claims that he transports anything or anyone for the right price. It seems he recognizes them as the World Destruction Committee but this apparently does not mean much to him. As a matter of fact, he is willing to transport them to any place in the world in exchange for the Destruct Code. Naturally, Morte refuses and it is Toppi who finally offers three pieces of gold coins as payment for Agan's services. Unknown to them, a stowaway has heard all their talk about the Destruct Code.
Agan, the transporter

Agan's first stop is the famous pleasure ship where he unloads some cargo and also his passengers. According to him, the pleasure ship is exactly what its name suggests: anyone, no matter who they are or what they have done, can stay on board without trouble. Thus, it's the perfect place for members of the World Destruction Committee to disappear in.

While making their way around the pleasure ship, a young beast girl bumps into Morte and steals the Destruct Code. But neither Morte nor Kirie notice anything amiss. Meanwhile, in another part of the ship, members of the World Rehabilitation Committee, led by a beastman named Naja and a beast girl named Lia, request the ship owner for permission to search the ship. The owner declares that he is neither cooperating nor interfering with their operation, thus, in effect, permitting the search.
Naja and Lia

Toppi and Kirie share a meal together, the latter having finally found a can opener. As they eat, they realize that Morte is not with them. Toppi does not think this is a reason for alarm but Kirie worries a little, prompting Toppi to ask if he has fallen in love with her. But the question falls on deaf ears.

At that moment, Morte is at the casino, playing roulette and winning heaps. Her victory catches the attention of other patrons, including the World Rehabilitation Committee members. But instead of capturing her right away, Naja has the bright idea of playing cards against Morte and forcing her to bet the Destruct Code. Unaware of who he really is, Morte accepts the challenge.

Meanwhile, Toppi and Kirie are walking around the ship and continuing their conversation. This time, Toppi lectures about the two kinds of women in the world: (1) one who can survive by herself; and (2) the other who can't survive by herself. According to him, the first one does not need a hero to rescue her.
according to the bear: heroes are busy people

As they are speaking, they notice the beast girl from earlier in a deserted place of the ship. Toppi identifies her as the second type of woman and orders Kirie to ask her what's the matter. After some hesitation, Kirie manages to find out that the girl has no time for idle talk and just wants money to save her father who is a gambler and in prison because of his gambling debts. Since neither Toppi nor Kirie have any money, she leaves them, just as the World Rehabilitation Committee arrives and spots the two.

Back in the gaming tables, Morte is finding out that she is not as lucky with cards than she is with roulette. Naja then reveals to her that he knows who Morte really is and says that he is willing to give her another chance to win back all she lost if she would bet the Destruct Code. Morte agrees to the deal but as she reaches inside her pocket, all she finds is a sand-whale can and no Destruct Code. Even so, she tries to fool Naja by wrapping the can with a handkerchief and representing it as the real thing.

At that moment, the beast girl from earlier arrives and immediately goes to speak with the shipowner, who is watching the game between Naja and Morte. The beast girl shows him the Destruct Code, saying that she would give it to him in exchange for her father's freedom. Upon seeing the item, Morte leaves the table and attempts to recover the Destruct Code. Naja also realizes his mistake once he unwraps the object that Morte bet and finds out that it's only a can. Upon seeing that everything has turned haywire, Lia opens fire at both Morte and the beast girl.
smooth, kirie

All of a sudden, the casino becomes a scene from a western movie as Lia fires her gun nonstop. Toppi and Kirie also arrive, with the rest of the World Rehabilitation Committee at their heels. When Lia's bullets run out, she then transforms into a winged-creature and attacks first the beast girl and then Morte. The beast girl drops the Destruct Code and everybody starts grappling for it. Finally, Morte kicks the orb, sending it flying towards Kirie. Like a crazed animal, Lia turns on Kirie to attack him but when she sees his face, she suddenly stops, her face turning red. Morte takes this moment to hit the lights.

The next scene shows Morte, Toppi, Kirie and the beast girl making it safely to the lower deck where they steal a boat and escape. They ask the beast girl to come with them but the beast girl refuses, saying that she has to stay to find a way to help her father. Much, much later, Morte prepares to take her leave of her two companions but without anything better to do and being already fugitives from the law, they end up following her.

The best thing about this episode is that it's witty. Kirie's line "maybe that thing has a can-opening function" is the funniest I've heard in a while since Kure-nai. Our three friends are also the quirkiest bunch I've seen this season. They certainly defy stereotypes: Morte is no damsel in distress, Kirie is no hero, and Toppi is a no-nonsense soggy ball of cuteness.

Also, the world they live in is so rich when it comes to all things odd. I mean, a sand-submersible? LOLz come on! The desert is practically an ocean with creatures like sand-whale, sand-snake, sand-fish.... ^.^ Granted, they're not the most original names for creatures but it's all very tongue-in-cheek. Frankly, I find it hilarious.

This anime is proving to be very entertaining.