1. Kimi ni Todoke
2. Uchuu Ryokou
3. Betelgeuse Girl (instrumental)
This is the self-titled single Kimi ni Todoke by Tanizawa Tomofumi. The title track is used as the opening theme for the Production I.G. anime of the same name.
BUY:I was quite surprised to hear this single. I didn't really think much of the opening song of Kimi ni Todoke. In fact, I usually skip through it when watching each episode. But now that I got a chance to hear the full song and by itself, I found myself (unconsciously, I might add) nodding my head to it. It's actually a catchy song, appropriately upbeat and really fun to listen to.
Tanizawa Tomofumi - Kimi ni Todoke @ Play-Asia
Tanizawa Tomofumi - Kimi ni Todoke @ Yes Asia
Aside from the title track Kimi ni Todoke, the single also includes two others. Uchuu Ryokou is a bit more "rock"-sounding and begins with heavy, albeit fun, guitar riffs that take you right through the first verse where the guitar gives way to the drums. Departing from the upbeat, Jpop style, the third and final track Betelgeuse Girl is an instrumental song, dominated by what sounds like a shamisen interlaced with the melancholic sound of a zither.
This is an entertaining single, one that I did not regret trying out.
Kimi ni Todoke OFFICIAL (JPN)
Kimi ni Todoke @ Wikipedia
Kimi ni Todoke @ ANN
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