Sunday, November 29, 2009

Kimi ni Todoke 07-08: Sadako Reaches Out More

EPISODE 07: Saturday Night
More Screencaps from Kimi ni Todoke 07

The girls celebrate the restoration of their friendship by having a night out at Yoshida's favorite local ramen shop. It turns out the shop belongs to Ryuu's father. After having their fill, all three of them head up to Ryuu's room to hang out. Sadako wonders if there is something going on between Ryuu and Yoshida as the two of them appear to be very close. Yoshida vehemently denies this while Ryuu just smiles. Eventually, it is revealed that Ryuu and Yoshida are childhood friends and see each other more as "brothers." Later, Yano gets Sadako to call Kazehaya and tell him to come over. While waiting for him, the two girls discover that Sadako's feelings for Kazehaya might be a little deeper than friendship.

EPISODE 08: Voluntary Training
More Screencaps from Kimi ni Todoke 08

The Bi-annual Sports Festival is coming up and Pin is forcing the existing sports committee members and other sports-oriented students to organize their class' teams. Kazehaya gets chosen as class representative by default while Sadako, Yano, Yoshida and Ryuu become athletes. But Sadako has a tiny problem: she doesn't know the first thing about playing soccer. Meanwhile, Kurumi (the "French Doll" girl) hears that Kazehaya is Class D's representative. She manipulates her classmates into nominating her as a member of the sports committee so she can spend some time with Kazehaya while all the while denying to said classmates that she has feelings for him other than friendship. At the meeting, she ingratiates herself to Kazehaya but he is barely listening as he notices Sadako through the window.


This anime is definitely growing on me. I know I said that Sadako is getting on my nerves. Well, she's not anymore. Her troubles are predictable and petty for the most part, but at that age, I remember everything to be very important and urgent.

One positive thing I noticed about Kimi ni Todoke is its pacing. It feels slow for some reason but is actually not. It takes about one or two episodes to resolve a subplot while another carefully develops in the background. And even a whole episode of nothing is not entirely about nothing because there is always that main plot about Kazehaya and Sadako's developing romance to keep us going. So, all in all, not a single episode is wasted in Kimi ni Todoke and in my book that's usually a good sign of excellent pacing.

Add to that the genuinely likeable characters. The core group, composed of Kazehaya, Sadako, Yano, Yoshida and Ryuu, seem like perfect complements of each other and have sufficiently varied personalities to satisfy my thirst for variety. There's the silent one (Ryuu), the loud and slow-witted (Yoshida) and the sophisticate (Yano). Kazehaya and Sadako are surprisingly multi-layered so it's difficult to identify their personality types, but at first glance, Kazehaya is the campus crush while Sadako is the wallflower. Is that enough variety? If not, there are always the well-meaning ones (Ekko and Tomoko), the clowns (most of Sadako's male classmates) and the conniving biatch (Kurumi).

Speaking about characters, I also like the pairings. This is one romance anime where I actually like the main romantic couple. Kimi ni Todoke has managed to create a couple so perfect for each other I can't help but root for them. Then also, there's my pet pairing, Ryuu x Yoshida, whose character dynamics are interesting to watch but one which I prefer to happen in the background.

Whew. I think I've said all that I wanted to say about the series so far. Now, on to the next episodes ~

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Armed Librarians 08-09: Noloty's Adventure Part 2

Late post. Better than never.
EPISODE 08: A Pond, Comrades and a Seashell
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra 08

Enlike fights another duel to the death, this time against someone who can control water. He wins again. While he recuperates, the girl who has been taking care of their camp attempts to kill him but fails. Meanwhile, Zatoh reveals himself to be the monster that attacked the Library. Mince tells an incredulous Noloty that Zatoh is a "bookeater" and can use the magic of those whose books he has eaten, including Enlike's. But somehow Enlike is able to overcome Zatoh and controls his body for a while, thus, explaining his suicidal tendencies when Noloty found him. While Noloty and Mince try to stop Zatoh in his tracks, Enlike once more tries to gain control over Zatoh and this time he gets the help of his former comrades, whose books Zatoh has likewise consumed.

EPISODE 09: A True Man, A Battlefield and My World
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra 09

After the apparent success of Noloty's mission, Zatoh is given leave to wander around Library grounds. But many of the armed librarians have misgivings, believing him to be a spy for the Shideki Church. As usual noone knows what Hamyuts is thinking. Everybody's fears are seemingly confirmed when Zatoh makes contact with Ganbanzel, but strangely enough Hamyuts cannot pick up on Ganbanzel's presence with her sensory threads. Zatoh eventually agrees to meet with Ganbanzel and kills him. It turns out that this is Ganbanzel's true desire. Another Shideki Church member takes his book. On his way out, he meets Hamyuts and it is revealed that she and him have an arrangement of sorts.


Just when I thought this anime was getting predictable, everything is suddenly more interesting. I guess I made a mistake in thinking this is a no-brainer sort of show. Lesson learned: Do not judge an anime by the number of large-breasted females in it. Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra requires some thinking.

Mistake #1 -- I totally thought Enlike and Zatoh are the same person. I thought it was too obvious but also thought that this anime isn't the sort that shies away from the obvious. I never thought they would come up with this interesting twist: A bookeater. How about that? I totally did not expect that. Which therefore makes me doubly wary about this new twist.

Is Hamyuts good or bad? I know we're supposed to think she's a traitor. After all, she has so far been shown as walking a line between the Shideki Church's twisted sense of morals and capacity for ruthlessness and the Armed Librarians' noble mission of protecting people's books. Make that, she has the attitude of a Shideki Church member but strangely fights in favor of the other side. Which side is she on?

I think she's on nobody's side. She has her own agenda. Just as that old man who collects books has his own agenda. And I think this agenda of theirs is much more significant than the petty quarrels between the Shideki Church and the Armed Librarians. Moreover, achieving this agenda can actually resolve everything for both organizations.

Or at least, that's what I think. I could be totally wrong. Hamyuts could be working something out behind the scenes to destroy either the Armed Librarians or the Shideki Church. Who knows. We'll find out soon enough.

Friday, November 27, 2009

In Review: Cencoroll

I've been meaning to review this anime but haven't found the time. Well, now, since the fansubbers of Aoi Bungaku are kind of late in releasing the new episodes, I guess I have no choice in the matter. You're gonna have to make do with this humble review of a refreshingly new anime from manga artist Uki Atsuya while I wait for Episodes 07-08 (subbed by A.Niger) of Aoi Bungaku to finish.

TITLE: Cencoroll
DIRECTOR: Uki Atsuya
STUDIO: Anime Innovation Tokyo, Aniplex
VOICE CAST: Shimono Hiro, Hanazawa Kana, Kimura Ryohei
SUMMARY: A huge monster shows up on the top of a building of an ordinary city, prompting the Defense Forces to go into action and causing the citizens of the city to start an uproar. Yuki, a brave-hearted and naturally inquisitive girl, happens to know a secret. Her friend Tetsu has been keeping and raising a strange creature called Cenco. Instantly becoming fascinated by Tetsu and his pet, a mysterious boy appears with control over the huge monster threatening the town. With that, an unexpected battle begins. (from ANN)

Based on the premise alone, one must wonder what's all this stuff flying around about Cencoroll. After all, animes with big blobs of monsters controlled by teen-aged boys and the girl who gets mixed up in them are a dime-a-dozen. Even the battle between the boys and their (humongous) pets has a bit of "pokemon nostalgia" in it. So what is the big deal?

It's hard to pin-point exactly what makes Cencoroll an excellent and different anime movie. Maybe it's the fact that it is different that makes all the difference, but then to explain that would mean we're right back where we started.

Cencoroll (Limited Edition) (R2) @ Play-Asia
Cencoroll (R2) @ Play-Asia
Cencoroll (DVD) (First Press Limited Edition) (Japan Version) @ Yes Asia
Cencoroll (DVD) (Normal Edition) @ Yes Asia
Cencoroll is an adaptation of an award-winning one-shot manga, called Amon Game. I've never read it so I can't make a comparison. The film itself is a short, clocking in at a measley thirty minutes so there is little time for world-building or character development. What you see is what you get. Literally. And yet, amazingly enough, time is not really a handicap.

Think of Cencoroll as a snapshot of that time in your life when you recently got a new pet and you're quickly getting tired of it. That about sums up Tetsu's attitude to Cenco, the titular monster whose bulbous, off-white body is really quite something weird. What Yuki, the main girl character, finds curious and out of the ordinary, Tetsu views as mundane and boring. This, despite the fact that Cenco can shapeshift into anything, including an amusing toy panda, a bicycle and even a car. In that regard, Cencoroll is honest: People can get used to anything, even to the violent and the fantastic.
Visually, Cencoroll is spectacular. Not in the "oh-my-CGI fireworks, explode my eyes" kind of way but something quirky. The hilarious giant pudding scene comes to mind. Of course, I'm quite aware that this is an essentially indie film, almost wholly created by one person, but it's visual potential can stand up to par with all the lot out there. The design is pleasant and something about it reminds me of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. I think maybe it's the abundance of gray in the film's color palette.

The music is pretty good. I'm not into electronic, artificial voice stuff but supercell/ryo does a pretty good job with the theme for Cencoroll. Interestingly, the film does not have a BGM. This serves only to highlight its "raw" quality and allows viewers to judge the film for itself without the emotional prompt and treatment that music often provides.

Cencoroll is a quirky little anime that gives you a snapshot of what the genre is still capable of, given the appropriate resources and a little imagination.

OFFICIAL (Anime Innovation Tokyo) (JPN)
Cencoroll @ Wikipedia
Cencoroll @ ANN
More Screencaps from Cencoroll

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Chara - Kataomoi (Kimi ni Todoke ED Single)

RELEASED: 11.18.2009
LABEL: Universal Music
1. Kataomoi
2. Genki wo Dashite
3. Kataomoi (instrumental)

Finally the ED single for Kimi ni Todoke. I've had this up for like a week already but waited until today to post it. I waited because today is supposed to be my Kimi ni Todoke schedule. Yes, yes, I'm trying to follow a schedule.

Chara - Kataomoi CDs (all versions) @ Play-Asia
Chara - Kataomoi CDs (all versions) @ Yes Asia
Anyhoo, as you probably know, the single is called Kataomoi. It literally means "Unrequited Love" and seems kind of strange as an ending theme for this anime but what the hell. It's a really pretty song sang by Chara, who also has a really pretty voice. The single has three acoustic tracks all in all, with the third track being an instrumental version of Kataomoi.

Kataomoi is the third track from Chara's 13th studio album, Carol.

Kimi ni Todoke OFFICIAL (JPN)
Chara @ Wikipedia
Kimi ni Todoke @ Wikipedia
Kimi ni Todoke @ ANN

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Armed Librarians 06-07: Noloty's Adventure Part 1

I guess we can forget about Volken for now as we focus on Noloty and the strange mission she gets from Hamyuts.
EPISODE 06: Thunder, A Monster and a Girl's Punch
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra 06

A masked intruder marches inside the library looking for Hamyuts Meseta. He kills the receptionist and causes a panic. Mirepoc, Mattalast and Mince arrive in time to stop him with little success. It seems the intruder can use two different kinds of magic -- control lightning and move cloth -- a skill that is practically taboo among magic-users. Meanwhile, Noloty is sent on a mission to oversee the transport of Luimon's book. However, the book gets stolen en route to their rendezvous point. Hamyuts later meets up with Noloty and gives her a cryptic mission concerning Zatoh, a man who has read a book which causes him to become suicidal. Interpersed among all this is the story of Enlike, a meat who is handpicked by Ganbanzel to become a monster.

EPISODE 07: A Smile, A Mask and a Man with a Death Wish
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra 07

Enlike learns to control lightning at a magic camp set up by the Shideki Church. That evening he challenges one of his fellow trainees to a fight to the death and wins. Back in the present, Zatoh tries to kill himself but fails as his wound immediately heals. Noloty, who has been following him all this time, tries to talk some sense into him to no effect. Meanwhile, Mince is sent out to scout the town for the "monster." The monster eventually appears and fights with Zatoh. Just when the monster is about to kill him, Zatoh uses his lightning magic, thus, revealing that he is the masked intruder all along. After Zatoh leaves, Mince takes off his "monster" costume and tells Noloty that he used his sacred eyes on Zatoh but could not see the murderous intent of the monster in him. Later, Noloty and Mince catch up to Zatoh but he isn't the same Zatoh that Noloty knows anymore.


I hate Noloty. I hate her perhaps less than I hate Volken, but still she is annoying. I really dislike self-righteous characters. I especially hate them when they force their beliefs on others. I mean, it's fine if you think you're right but to insist that everybody else, who are entitled to their own opinions by the way, accept your own views is the height of narrow-mindedness.

That said, this arc is not very interesting for me. I'm supposed to feel sympathy for Enlike. He just wants to smile, after all, and ends up getting bad advice. The motivation for his character appears shallow when compared to Shiron and Colio. At least Colio made up for his lack of personality through Shiron's colorful past inexplicably and intricately connected as it is with his present. Enlike, on the other hand, has zero personality. Worse still, he has no foil with which he can develop his character. If Noloty is it, then it's a poor, not to mention predictable, choice. Sure, pair up the gloomy suicidal guy with the cheerful girl with the lust for life. I cannot begin to count how many stories I've read with that premise. I know Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra is not trying to be exceptional so I can overlook it. What I can't overlook is the fact that this arc is all about Noloty. I'm sorry but I cannot find one redeeming cell in her body.

Then again, looking at the series in general and the direction it's taking, it looks like it's going to be divided into separate arcs of one or two episodes each with one main storyline holding everything together. I think Volken's little betrayal is going to be a big part in the main storyline so maybe the whole thing is only going to be resolved in the final episodes. I do still enjoy the series, just not this particular arc.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Aoi Bungaku 05-06: Crazy, Meet Insane

A bandit, a beautiful lady, a cherryblossom tree in full bloom and bloodshed. This is a love story.
In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom
EPISODE 05: Chapter 1
More Screencaps from Aoi Bungaku 05

Shigemaru is a bandit who preys on travelers passing by a mountain he considers his own. He has a hut full of women -- his wives -- and feels a certain horrific fascination for cherryblossoms. One day, he meets a beautiful lady and falls in love with her at first sight. After killing her escorts, he takes her back to his hut to become his wife. However, the lady proves to be no ordinary woman as she decides that she can't live with all of Shigemaru's former wives and asks him to kill them.

In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom
EPISODE 06: Chapter 2
More Screencaps from Aoi Bungaku 06

Shigemaru and his wife move to town and try to make a life there. But Shigemaru quickly realizes that he knows nothing about town life and townspeople. His wife demands that he give her some form of entertainment by bringing her back trinkets that belong to the townspeople. So Shigemaru does what he does best and goes around from house to house, stealing things and killing people. Along with the trinkets, he brings back to his wife the decapitated heads of his victims, which his wife plays with like they were dolls. Soon, Shigemaru grows dissatisfied and decides that he wants to go back to the mountain even if his wife won't come with him.


This is...a love story? If it is, then it's very strange. And even if it wasn't a love story, it's still a very strange story.

Sakura no Mori no Mankai no Shita
("In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom") is a novel by Ango Sakaguchi. Roughly, it's about a high-maintenance girl meeting a rustic, getting involved, and the thing ends. In this case, in a most tragic, horrifying, nonsensical way possible.

What is the point, you ask? The point is, there is no point. The essence of In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom is its structure. It's supposed to be a story within a story sort of thing. Think Shakespear's The Taming of the Shrew, where the story within the story -- i.e. Kate's story -- takes precedence over the original -- i.e. the drunkard who was tricked into thinking he was the king -- until the latter is all but forgotten.

In this case, however, the anime emphasizes the love story between Shigemaru and the lady when it should have focused more on the play that the lady was making with the decapitated heads. That's why you don't see the structure. And that's why the arc doesn't make a lot of sense.

The play is the real story; Shigemaru and his lady are just an excuse to tell said story, which story is in turn just an excuse to bring out the visuals. Because the visuals are what In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom is really about and boy, what visuals.

Character designs for this arc is Kubo Tite, whom most people probably heard of, thanks to his very popular shounen series, Bleach. Not only that, I think Kubo-sensei is also the mind behind the anachronisms (ipods and camera phones in 12th Century Japan) that abound in this 2-episode arc.

The comedic moments are flat-out hilarious and serve as respite from an otherwise gruesome, disturbing tale. Make no mistake, the tale is gruesome and disturbing and the humor doesn't really balance it all out but it puts the little light of sanity on so much insanity. This is essential as it sets the arc apart from No Longer Human. Even the colors are different. Where No Longer Human was all about dark hues and earth tones, In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom spreads out in an explosion of colors -- pink, purple, orange, yellow -- all the bright and crazy colors you can think of.

And for the first time, we hear the series' OP theme. I don't know what it's called and who performs it but it's another anachronism -- funk jazz in the 12th Century. Whatever, I love it and want to know its title.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

First Impressions



Angel Beats! - Insert Song Single (Girls Dead Monster starring marina - Crow Song)
Angel Beats! OST
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai OP Single (Galileo Galilei - Aoi Shiori)
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai ED Single (Kayano Ai, Tomatsu Haruka, Hayami Saori - Secret Base ~ Kimi ga Kureta mono)
Armed Librarians - Book of Bantorra ED Single (Annabel - Light of Dawn)
Armed Librarians - Book of Bantorra ED2 Single (Yuuki Aira - Dominant Space)
Armed Librarians - Book of Bantorra OP2 Single (Sasaki Sayaka - Seisai no Ripieno)


Blade of the Immortal OST


Casshern Sins ED Single (Kana - Reason)
Casshern Sins ED2 Single (Kuno Shinji - Hikari to Kage)
Casshern Sins OST

Casshern Sins Special Best Album


Denno Coil OP/ED Single (Ikeda Ayako - Prism/Sora no Kakera)
Denno Coil OST
Durarara!! ED Single (Matsushita Yuya - Trust Me)
Durarara!! OP Single (THEATRE BROOK - Uragiri no Yuuyake)
Durarara!! OP2 Single (ROOKiEZ is PUNK'D - Complication)


Eden of the East OP Single (Oasis - Falling Down)
Eve no Jikan Image Song - Sammy (Tanaka Rie - Yasashii Jikan no Naka de)



Ga-Rei - Zero Character Song Vol. 1 - Yomi & Kagura
Ga-Rei - Zero OP Single (Chihara Minori - Paradise Lost)
Ga-Rei - Zero ED Single (Mizuhara Kaoru - Yume no Ashioto ga Kikoeru)
GOSICK OP Single (Yoshiki Lisa - Destin Histoire)
Gunslinger Girl - Il Teatrino OP Single (KOKIA - Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi)

High School of the Dead OP Single (Kishida Kyoudan and Myoujou Rocket - High School of the Dead)
Hourou Musuko ED Single (Rie Fu - For You)
Hourou Musuko OP Single (Daisuke - Itsudatte)
House of Five Leaves ED Single (immi - Sign of Love)

IS: Infinite Stratos OP Single (Kuribayashi Minami - STRAIGHT JET)



Katanagatari OP Single (Kuribayashi Minami - Meiya Kadenrou)
Katanagatari OP2 Single (ALI PROJECT - Katana to Saya)
Kemono no Souja Erin ED Single (cossami - After the Rain)
Kimi ni Todoke OP Single (Tanizawa Tomofumi - Kimi ni Todoke)
Kimi ni Todoke ED Single (Chara - Kataomoi)
Kore wa zombie desu ka ED Single (Kizuite Zombie-sama, Watashi wa Classmate desu)
Kure-nai OP Single (Kuribayashi Minami - Love Jump)
Kure-nai OST



Macross Frontier ED Single (Sheryl Nome starring May'n - Diamond Crevasse/Iteza Gogo Kuji 9 Don't be late!)
Macross Frontier OP/ED 2 Single (Nakajima Megumi & May'n - Lion/Northern Cross)
Macross Frontier OST 1
Macross Frontier OST 2 - Nyan Tora
Macross Frontier Ranka Lee Debut Single (Nakajima Megumi - Seikan Hikou)
Macross Frontier Movie Insert Album (Sherly Nome starring May'n - Universal Bunny)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica ED Single (kalafina - Magia)
Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica OP Single (ClariS - Connect)
Maria-sama ga Miteru 4th Season OP Single (Kukui - Chizu Sanpo)


Natsu no Sora OP Single (THYME - Fly Away)
Nijuu-mensou no Musume ED Single (Hirano Aya - Unnamed World)



Paprika OST
Phantom ~ Requiem for the Phantom OP Single (KOKIA - Karma)
Phantom ~ Requiem for the Phantom Promotional Video



Ryouko's Case Files BGM Collection Vol. 1
Ryouko's Case Files BGM Collection Vo. 2


Shiki OP Single (Buck-Tick - Kuchizuke)
Shiki ED Single (nangi - walk no Yakusoku)
SoRaNoWoTo OP Single (Kalafina - Hikari no Senritsu)
Special Anime Songs Post #2
Special Anime Trailers Post
Spice and Wolf OST


Tales from Earthsea OST
The Tatami Galaxy ED Single (Yakushimaru Etsuko - Kami-sama no Iu Toori)
The Tatami Galaxy OST
Toradora! OST




Witch Hunter Robin OP/ED Single (Bana - Shell)
World Destruction OP Single (AAA - Zero)


Xam'd: Lost Memories ED Single (Kylee - VACANCY)



Zoku Natsume Yuujin-chou ED Album (Kourin - Hibi no Uta)
Zoku Natsume Yuujin-chou OST


Final Thoughts




Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kimi ni Todoke 06: Threesome Once More

After some drama in the bathroom, Sadako is back in the popularity polls. Sort of.
EPISODE 06: Friends
More Screencaps from Kimi ni Todoke 06

Kazehaya comes to school only to find a crowd of students gathered outside the girls' bathroom. Apparently, someone got wind of the fight inside between Sadako and a group of students led by Yuuka and the rumor is that it was Sadako who started it.

At that moment, Yano and Yoshida also arrive and hears about the situation. Realizing that the fight is centered around the rumors about them as well, they decide to take care of things. Ryuu, who also joins the crowd, notices that Kazehaya looks as if he wants to do something. Kazehaya, however, contains himself, deciding that the girls should handle this themselves.

Meanwhile, Sadako really gets it from Yuuka's group despite her efforts are trying to make them understand. Yuuka insists that it was Sadako who started the rumors, which Sadako hotly denies. She says that she would never do that to Yano and Yoshida as they were the first people who were kind to her. She adds that rather than like the two girls, she loves them. Yano and Yoshida arrive inside the bathroom in time to hear all this.

Before Sadako realizes it, someone pushes off Yuuka and another is helping her stand up. To her surprise, they are Yano and Yoshida. Yoshida puts her yanki reputation to scare Yuuka and co. off. Kazehaya and Ryuu see them step out of the bathroom. Unable to contain himself, Kazehaya lets out that he hates rumors, to the girls' utter mollification.

At that moment, Pin arrives, apparently having only heard about the fight. But he is disappointed to find that the three girls have made up. Ryuu comments that he doesn't need to comfort her anymore, referring to Yoshida, while Kazehaya smiles. Sadako, Yoshida and Yano soon walk out of the bathroom together, their friendship firmly established.

The next day, the midterm exam results are posted. Sadako is at no. 30, a far-cry from her previous spot, but she is happy nonetheless as the class' average has improved, thanks to her notes. Classmates now take to calling her Sadako Warashi from "Zashiki Warashi" (a spirit that brings great fortune). To celebrate, Sadako, Yano and Yoshida decide to go out for ramen. Kazehaya watches them, realizing with some dismay that he has little chance of being alone with Sadako anymore.

Meanwhile, Yuuka's friends are huddled together, talking about how Yuuka has a long-time crush on Kazehaya and that their recent shenanigans has cost them minus points. Yuuka overhears them and runs off crying. While they go after Yuuka to comfort her, the pretty girl from Episode 3 watches clandestinely.

And the series redeems itself. Although the drama was needlessly prolonged, I thought it was worth it. I do so want Yano and Yoshida to be Sadako's friends. Still, I cringed at Sadako's long-winded speech in the bathroom.

It looks like it's the pretty girl who started all the rumors. I wonder who she is in Kazehaya's life. I hope she's a really evil girl, but considering how this is shoujo, she might be evil at first but Sadako's unparalleled power of cluelessness might just charm her into turning for the better. Oh, well.

Right now, all I'm really interested is how long it would take for Kazehaya to realize his real feelings for Sadako. It's a crush, definitely, but it's mutual so there's a great possibility it could turn into something more. Also, Ryuu x Yoshida ~ ♥

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Annabel - Light of Dawn (Armed Librarians ED Single)

RELEASED: 11.06.2009
1. Light of Dawn
2. torus
3. Light of Dawn (off vocal)
4. torus (off vocal)

I wasn't too excited about Light of Dawn when I first heard it. I recall thinking it's slightly more tolerable than ALI PROJECT's Datengoku Sensen. So I was surprised that, upon proper hearing, the song is actually ok. Not great, by any means, but definitely better than I initially thought.

Light of Dawn is a fast-paced electronic number and, thus, a typical anime song. By contrast, the B-side track torus is softer, more melodic and also quite long pegging at six minutes plus. It reminds me of a song by Utada Hikaru. I forget the title but it's at the tip of my tongue. The other two tracks are off vocal versions. Interestingly, Light of Dawn sounds better without the vocals although I have no real issue against Annabel's voice.

Annabel - Light of Dawn @ Play-Asia
Annabel - Light of Dawn (Japan Version) @ Yes Asia
Light of Dawn is the ending theme for the anime Armed Librarians: The Book of Bantorra. Produced by David Production, the anime follows a group of sorcerers known as the Armed Librarians battling against the evil Shideki Church while striving to protect books: stone tablets which a human being's soul turns into once the body dies.

Armed Librarians - The Book of Bantorra @ ANN
Armed Librarians - The Book of Bantorra @ Wikipedia
Armed Librarians - The Book of Bantorra Promo [YouTube]
Armed Librarians - The Book of Bantorra Trailer [YouTube]

Friday, November 13, 2009

Aoi Bungaku - No Longer Human 03-04

Yuozo tries to live "more like a human" but the nightmare of that one night on the cliff and his own guilty, self-loathing id continue to haunt him. Soon he finds himself to alcohol and women for both redemption and salvation.
No Longer Human
EPISODE 03: Society

Youzo is now living with an older woman and her daughter and seems content for a while. However, his guilt over Mayumi's death keeps haunting him and he develops an obsessive-compulsive habit of washing his hands. With the help of the woman, he is soon able to publish his first manga. This enables Horiki to trace his whereabouts. Horiki tells him about his father's deteriorating health and how society expects Youzo to go back home. Youzo stands firm on his resolve to make a living through his art but Horiki's visit disturbs the little state of equilibrium that his life has reached. Youzo begins wandering the city at night, visiting bars and brothels until one night he collapses in the middle of the street in a drunken stupor. He is discovered by a young woman whom he later asks to save him.

No Longer Human
EPISODE 04: New World

Horiki discovers where Youzo lives and pays him a visit. Youzo, now married to Yoshiki (the young woman from the previous episode), seems happy as he enjoys married life and relative success as a mangaka. The two friends catch up and then Horiki tells him the real purpose of his visit: Youzo's father is dead. As Youzo reacts violently to the news, Horiki rushes down to get some help, only to unwittingly stumble upon Yoshiki having sex with Youzo's publisher. It turns out that Yoshiki has been selling her body in order to get Youzo's works published. That evening, an unstable Youzo attempts suicide but fails. He wakes up in a hospital and overhears his father's servant talking demeaning things about him. Yoshiki and his prostitute friend defend him but Youzo does not stay long enough to hear. He eventually finds himself at the medicine shop he and Mayumi visited years ago. A woman's voice says that she's been waiting for him. Youzo apparently commits suicide again and finally succeeds. The scene closes with him sitting face to face with his id.


And that ends the first phase of Aoi Bungaku.

No Longer Human
truly lives up to its title. The bad things happening to Youzo seemed never to let up and only in his final hour is he able to find some measure of peace. Or at least, I like to think it's peace. I'm an optimist. *sweatdrop*

Horiki seems to be the catalyst in driving Youzo to self-destruction. His visits never did Youzo any good although I have to say that he seemed well-meaning in the last two episodes. Horiki's development from a mercenary opportunist to a volunteer soldier strikes me as a bit of a stretch but I think the anime has to contend with the time limit as well as a lot of other factors. Even so, I must say this is not a shoddy adaptation.

Production value is consistent for the entire arc. Art style remains Kurozuka while Youzo's character design looks more and more like Light Yamagami (Death Note). After the third watch, I began to notice the BGM in the background and love the soft, haunting instrumentals. I really like Sakai Masato's voice for Youzo. His voice has that detached air and upperclass accent (or at least, what I imagine to be Japanese upperclass accent) that really fits Youzo's character. By contrast, Sakai sounds ill-fit to voice the main character (a forest ruffian) in the second arc of the series, In the Forest, Under Cherries in Full Bloom.

But all in all, I think Madhouse does it again. Based solely on the No Longer Human arc, Aoi Bungaku looks all set to becoming a masterpiece in the making. Now, I can't wait to look at the rest of what this series has to offer.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Tegami Bachi 04-05: Niche is made of awesome

Lag and Niche arrive in Rent Town but all is not well, especially for Niche. Meanwhile, Niche insists that she becomes Lag's dingo and won't take no for answer.
EPISODE 04: Lag's Dingo
More Screencaps from Tegami Bachi 04

Lag and Niche arrive in Rent Town and waste no time looking for "Love Someone Down" (hilariously spelled out as Rabusamu Wandaun by fansub group KSN. I even thought it was German at first until I saw the official info XD). But it turns out to be a circus group, headed by a mercenary ringleader. Naive Lag leaves Niche and heads for Yuusari. On his way there, he realizes that he forgot to have the delivery receipt signed. Upon his return, he receives information about the circus' latest creature, the Daughter of Maka (a rare creature with golden swords all over its body) but it turns out that this creature is none other than Niche. He arrives in time to see Niche destroy the circus and free all the captive animals. He follows her up to Broccoli Forest, which is Gaichuu territory, but Niche proves to be more capable than she looks. She cuts off the Gaichuu's head but gets injured in the process. To save her, Lag shoots a shindan from his gun and kills the Gaichuu. Niche sees Lag's memories and decides to become his dingo.

EPISODE 05: Dead End Town
More Screencaps from Tegami Bachi 05

Lag and Niche arrive in Kyrie, the bordertown to Yuusari. It is also a dead end town as it is where travelers without any permits to cross the bridge to Yuusari end up. They meet a girl named Nelli who wants to send a letter to Jiggy Pepper, a letter bee in Yuusari. Nelli appears to be helpful but it is all an act as she tricks Lag into handing her his things, along with his traveling permit. When Lag tries to take it back, Nelli tells everyone in Kyrie that Lag has a permit to Yuusari. The whole town erupts into chaos as people began scrambling for Lag's permit, knocking out Nelli in the process. Niche hears the commotion and goes to Lag's rescue. While Lag is distracted, Nelli makes a run for Yuusari with Lag's permit.


The series still looks good but my interest in it is definitely waning. I keep waiting for it to get awesome but it's really not. The format reminds me of Kino no Tabi but with less depth and better art. Somehow, this doesn't make the series any more interesting in my eyes. I'm dropping this series all together and transfering my blogging schedule for Kimi ni Todoke to its slot.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kimi ni Todoke 04-05: Friendship Tested

As nasty rumors about Yano and Yoshida continue to spread, Sadako's rudimentary relationship with the two suffers and soon Sadako finds herself alone once more.
EPISODE 04: Rumor
More Screencaps from Kimi ni Todoke 04

The rumors about Yano and Yoshida spread in school even as Sadako, the person supposedly responsible for starting them, remain clueless. Yano and Yoshida try to brush them off but as the rumors get nastier and nastier, they begin to doubt their tentative relationship with Sadako. To make matters worse, they overhear Sadako denying to a classmate her friendship with the two. Meanwhile, Sadako also overhears some classmates saying that her closeness with Yano, Yoshida and Kazehaya might do more harm than good.

EPISODE 05: Determination
More Screencaps from Kimi ni Todoke 05

Midterm exams are starting and Sadako realizes that she is alone once more. It doesn't take long for Kazehaya to notice so he corners her after school one day. Sadako finally breaks down and tells him that it's because she doesn't want to hurt him or Yano and Yoshida. With Kazehaya's encouragement, however, Sadako resolves to find out once and for all the person responsible for spreading the rumors.


OH EM GEE! The ridiculous problems these kids have. This just goes to show that I really am getting old. I can remember high school but I can't relate to the kind of problems high school brings. It's like, stop with the drama already and talk to them. Jeez. I know it's practically cliche but the first step to solving a relationship problem is to talk with the other party. Really, that is all there is to it. Once you start talking, all grievances can be aired out and misunderstandings can be given light. It's simple. Sadako's cluelessness is getting on my nerves. I hope she shapes up soon because I don't know how long I can hold on with the utter silliness this series is beginning to be.

In other news, it looks like I'll be settling on a semi-proper schedule now:

Friday - Aoi Bungaku
Saturday - Armed Librarians, Kimi ni Todoke
Sunday - Tegami Bachi

Armed Librarians 4-5: Bye-bye, Cigal. Volken, you too?

In the final showdown between Hamyuts and Cigal, an unlikely hero emerges and Volken does the unthinkable, leaving a devastated Miropec behind.
EPISODE 04: An Evening, Shiron and Colio
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: Book of Bantorra 04

The battle between Hamyuts and Cigal is in full blow and both are not in a humorous mood. Cigal reveals that he is carrying Shiron's "laughing sword" which can negate all kinds of attack against its wielder and at the same time strike the opponent with deadly accuracy. Hamyuts is in for the fight of her life. Meanwhile, Colio arrives at Lea's house where the final fragment from Shiron's book is kept and discovers that the man that Shiron is waiting for in the future is none other than him. With this knowledge, he immediately heads for the mines and arrives there just in time to save Hamyuts from death and kill Cigal. But in the process, the mines collapse and Colio dies, finally reunited in death with Shiron. A few days later, Volken pays a visit to Miropec who, along with Hamyuts and Matt, is recovering from their recent ordeal and gives her a mysterious book about "Othello." Afterwards, Volken disappears with the Armed Librarians' most coveted treasure, Ylucklucu.

EPISODE 05: A Betrayal, A Cup and a Meandering Path
More Screencaps from Armed Librarians: Book of Bantorra 05

Everyone is shocked by Volken's betrayal but Miropec takes it the worst. Hamyuts has other ideas, however, as she commissions one of her subordinates to use his "sacred eyes" on Volken. As Miropec tries to come to grips with her emotions, a friendly comment from Mince has her descending into the library's labyrinth, looking for a book that might help her understand her feelings. Later, inebriated with alcohol, she makes the mortifying discovery that she is in love with Volken, which discovery has her wanting to forget having even met him. Hamyuts does not think this is a good idea but humors her anyway and then goes around that same evening, telling people never to mention Volken in Miropec's presence again. The next day, a normal-acting Miropec goes about her daily business but drinks her tea with honey in it.


I don't really have much to say about these episodes. Looks like Episode 4 was the final one for the Shiron Arc and now it looks like the series is building up for another arc. I was a bit surprised to find that Colio would die just like that. I thought he would be a series mainstay. I guess I was wrong. He was given a nice character death though so I can't find fault in that.

And now the series is focusing on Volken. I think the whole thing with Miropec is a bit ham-fisted. I didn't really want to know that she was in love with Volken. I think the series could have played it better by preying instead on her loyalty to her friend and her loyalty to the Armed Librarians and the consequences on both with Volken's betrayal. I could do with just hints. I was cheering for the two anyway but I didn't want it slapped in my face like that. Although it was a very entertaining episode, seeing the always composed Miropec completely beside herself, it was still too much info in one episode.

I am intrigued by that old man. I wonder who's side he's on. And what is up with the Othello book? They're all connected I'm sure.

I really get a kick out of Hamyuts' hobby. XD Most incongruous in a woman like that.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Kakurenbo: It's All About the Visuals

I know it's a bit late for me to feature a review of a horror anime when Halloween 09 already came and went, but better late than never. Besides, it's been a while since I reviewed something on this blog.

(lit. "Hide and Seek") is a cel-shaded animated short created by Morita Shuuhei. The film seeks to promote a return to Japan's roots through the vehicle of a traditional children's game, called otokoyo, but given an undeniably modern twist: CGI. The result is an interestingly creepy animated gem rich in visual details and culture but little plot. Not that the lack of plot would bother the true CGI fan, for this movie is all about the visuals, with the story only there as a prop.

Kakurenbo Trailer @ YouTube

That said, Kakurenbo does have an interesting storyline. There is a rumor that children who play hide and seek in a certain dark city, called (appropriately enough) the Demon City, never return. It is said that they are spirited away by demons who dwell in the shadows. Despite the danger, Hikora decides to play the game, along with seven other kids, in the hopes of finding his missing sister, Sorincha. Once there, the children disappear one by one, taken by the four demons, leaving only Hikora and a strange, masked-girl who bears an uncanny resemblance to Sorincha. Who is she? What happened to the other kids? And where is the fifth and final demon?

Kakurenbo: Hide and Seek DVD (r1)@
Kakurenbo DVD (r2) @ Play-Asia
Kakurenbo DVD (r2) (Japan Version) @ Yes Asia

I'm a huge fan of "tradition-meet-modern world" ideas so Kakurenbo intrigued me with its storyline alone. Unfortunately, that's all it ever did. I keep thinking that if the film were longer and the story and the characters were fleshed out more, Kakurenbo would be better. But I guess we'll never know.

But despite the obvious handicap of its length, Kakurenbo does manage to deliver. Visually, it's one of the most stunning cel-shaded animation I've ever seen. And that's something coming from someone who loathes cel-shading. The movie takes you through an enjoyable, if a bit short, ride through a mysterious city, cloaked in shadows and neon lights. The details will wow your brain and perhaps knowing this, Morita allows you to peruse each minute detail of the building facades with a languid, slow-pan camera. This, in turn, enhances the film's mood and atmosphere, which is certainly creepy and builds up to an even creepier twist. It's not so much horror but it has the whole spiritual, atmospheric mystery going for it.

Character design is tops. I especially like the fox masks that the children wear all throughout. You'd think it would be hard to decipher their emotions with those masks on but the animators are so good at body language that you never have any doubt about the terror each character is experiencing. Still, it was very hard for me to take the horror aspect seriously when I'm looking at cartoon characters reacting to equally cartoonish monsters.

All in all, Kakurenbo is a feast for the eyes. But if you're looking for more than that, I suggest you look somewhere else.

Kakurenbo OFFICIAL (JPN)
Kakurenbo @ Wikipedia
Kakurenbo @ Anime News Network